Monday, December 15, 2008

O Christmas Tree

We got our Christmas Tree yesterday - finally a day when it wasn't raining. Instead it was very cold with snow on the ground.

Chris found an ad on Craigslist for a nursery in West Richland where we went. If you mentioned their ad you received $5 off your tree and a free round of golf at either West Richland Golf Course or Buckskin Golf Course. So we got a tree for under $25 and later this summer Chris can go golfing! Win-Win deal.

We managed to find a cute plump tree that would fit in our trunk (mostly) for the ride home. It's a cute little tree and our first one since we never got one last year in Pullman, being gone so much and having baseboard heaters....we didn't want a fire.

Now all we need are some presents to go under it. :)

In other news, last night was our employee Christmas party for the Marriott. It was at the Country Club that is right across from where we live so that was convenient. We probably could have walked if it wasn't for the sub-zero temperatures brought on by the wind chill factor! BBBRRRR, winter came all at once.

Overall it was a pretty nice party and I came home with a gift I liked from the gift exchange. The first gift I opened was a "Butter Bell". You put water in the bottom and then in the lid there is basically a cup where you store your butter and it keeps fresh on the counter longer. Well I like Brummel and Brown which is always soft and Chris is the only one who really uses real butter (unless I'm baking) so it was a good gift for him but I was not too thrilled! Luckily, someone else thought fresh butter was cool and stole my gift after theirs got taken. So in the spirit of stealing I stole a cute little iron wall hanging with tea lights on it. I think it will look very nice once I find a place for it.


Bird said...

I've seen those butter things, and they freak me out. Hello-dairy products go in the fridge, people. ;) Glad you got something you liked instead.

Carla said...

I'm so glad someone agrees with me on the dairy in the fridge idea - if you want soft butter just microwave it for 10 seconds or put it on the table 10 minutes before you eat!

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