Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Weekend Update

Wow, we had a lot going on this weekend. Well, it felt like a lot come Sunday night when we were ready for bed!

Chris ended up having to work on Saturday (bummer) but I did get caught up on laundry and cleaning as well as washing my car. I think it's been a year since I've washed it and although it's clean, the scratches and dents now shine brightly in the sunshine! Oh well, it's still a pretty car.

Saturday night at church the EA mission team presented a bit about their spring break trip. It was really encouraging to hear all they were able to do and how encouraged they were by what happened there. I really hope there are more trips to EA and other places in the future of Crossview because I really want to go. The bonding that happens on a mission trip, especially overseas, is just so great and I found myself jealous of the team that they are so close now! I want that in my own life. It made me realize that I need to work harder to maintain my friendships instead of waiting for people to initiate with me. But I want to feel included too and enjoy people approaching me to ask to do something so it's a balance I guess. Plus working at nights makes it hard. Hopefully it will be better during the summer when all my teacher friends are off!! I'm almost as excited as they are about school coming to an end.

Sunday we helped our friend deal with some stuff and ended up spending most of the day with her. It ended with a great BBQ in her backyard enjoying the gorgeous weather that made up our weekend! We also went to a local nursery where Chris had a gift certificate that he won when we bought our Christmas tree. We were able to buy 3 big pots, 2 cherry tomato plants, a basil plant and some pretty flowers to start a "garden" on our porch! I hope it turns out well. We might go back and get some more flowers since we still have about $20 left to spend.

Turned out to be a great weekend! And today I just noticed that they are getting the pool ready to open in our complex. Summer is on the way. :)

1 comment:

Bird said...

Sounds busy. I know what you mean about the friends, and being involved at church. Just keep asking when you see opportunities! Not all of them happen in the evenings. :)
You'll have to take some pictures of your garden. I'm excited to see it!

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