Tuesday, October 05, 2010


We have been attending a great small group/bible study on Tuesday nights through our church. The fellowship is great and a couple weeks ago we started a new study about busyness and how it affects all areas of our life.

I realize that as I type this we are not at small group but not because we are busy. Because we are both feeling a little under the weather. I'm trying to avoid getting a cold and Chris is fighting a headache. UGH! So what better time to think about not being busy then when you need to stay home.

Busyness is not always bad. There is always something fun to be involved in and if you wanted to you could have an activity every night of the week.

But as we learned last week busyness affects our relationships: with our friends, with our spouse, and with God. When we're busy we don't have time to invest in people the way we should.

Isn't it fun to go to a coffee ship, sit down with a friend and not have a schedule. You just talk and catch up, encourage each other, build each other up, laugh, cry, and just have fun.

Remember being a kid. Besides school you didn't really have a schedule until middle school or high school when extra curricular activities took up more time. But I remember coming home from school, having a snack and the only decision I had to make was what game I was going to play with my friends. I cherished that time.

I realize that now work puts us on a schedule as well as appointments, church, kids, and many other things. But I learned last week that I want & need to take the time to just relax and invest in myself and my relationships. Take some time without a schedule.

I've learned this before I've just had a hard time implementing it. So here's to relaxation! Take a morning, an afternoon, or a whole day this week and just devote it to relationships. It's so refreshing!

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