Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I am home sick right now while Chris is at Bible Study. There are a lot of negative things I could blog about right now but I don't want to do that.

In light of all that is happening around the world I realize I am so fortunate and blessed. So I will make a loves list of things that are great right now (despite my cough and dripping nose).

1. I am writing this at 7pm and I can see out our front window. Not that is was dirty, no it is light outside! Woop woop for daylight savings and LIGHT. I don't know how I ever make it through winter.

2. A dishwasher! Strange love but we have one now. Chris' parents got a new dishwasher and gave us their old one. It's a portable one you hook up to your sink faucet. It takes up quite a bit of space in our kitchen but will also provide a bit extra counter space and save on dishes piling up when I'm lazy.

3. Swedish fish. Silly but a friend brought me some from a recent trip to World Market. They are assorted flavors from Canada and they are delicious. I treated myself to a few even though they have relatively no nutritional value. I'm sick ok!

4. Dear friends. This weekend we are going to the wedding of a good college friend and I am so excited to connect with good friends while we are there. It's always refreshing to be with people who know you well.

5. A great husband. He brought me frozen yogurt last night to calm my sore throat and has taken good care of me these past few days of sickies. I love you!

What do you love today?


SnoWhite said...

beautiful list!! Hope you're feeling better soon.

the place I use for calorie info is:


With the pizza cut into 8 slices, there are 32 g of carbs in a slice, according to caloriecount.about.com. 5 of those are fiber.

Hope that helps!

Ruhiyyih Rose said...

Great list!! I too have come down with the sickies today...just need to make it through the last hour of work and then I can go home. Matt was sick all of last week! My turn, I guess....

I love my bed and I can't wait to crawl into it! ;)

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