Monday, November 28, 2011

Turkey Day

We had a quiet Thanksgiving weekend this year. My mom is still recovering from a bad infection in her leg so we decided to forgo having Thanksgiving at our house and stick to our in-laws. My MIL and I did most of the cooking - she did the turkey and most sides and I did a pie and sweet potatoes.

Our dinner was so good I forgot to take a picture before we started eating because we were so excited to dig in. I did snap a couple pictures of the day though.

Friday night our friend who was on her way from Seattle to Dallas (moving in a big van) came and spent the night and it was nice to have time with her before she moves on to the next portion of her life.

We are waiting until next weekend to get our Christmas Tree so it coincides with Chris' birthday! Great to hear all of your Thanksgiving celebration stories in the blogosphere.

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