Monday, December 10, 2012

26 Weeks!

Wow, it's been awhile since I have posted. We have been doing a lot since Decembers started and I remember how I was so glad we weren't traveling very much. We seemed to have filled the traveling void with a busy-doing-things-at-home schedule.

But how about a quick baby update?

Bubbles (baby's nickname since gender is unknown) is doing great! At our appointment last Tuesday we heard the heartbeat and I have been feeling a lot of movement. It's starting to fill different from the first flutters. I can tell that baby is growing bigger and stretching out. Good thing my office at work is a short walk from the ladies room!

We are also making progress on clearing out the nursery - I just don't know yet where we will put all the stuff. But we are getting rid of a lot of small things and a few big things and so that feels good. Now we are starting to think about baby showers and plan for them which is very exciting! Our registries are mostly complete and I am exciting to see how everything comes together.

Our next appointment is January 3rd and I we have a big ultrasound then so it will be exciting to see how baby is progressing - but no we are still not going to find out the gender. We need more surprises in life!

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