Saturday, October 11, 2014

Catching Up on Fall!

I guess it has been a busy one since I haven't found much time to blog. Our fall has been fun with lots of weekend activities going on - which seems to always be the way. By the time we think about going to the pumpkin patch it's usually the week before Halloween.

This fall we enjoyed a Labor Day trip to Portland and the Oregon Coast which was really fun. We had magnificent weather at the beach and we really enjoyed going to the zoo. I find that with a toddler we now purposefully look for toddler friendly activities and they always fun for us too!

 Next we off course attended the obligatory Labor Day (States Day in PTown) parade with all the grandparents and a few friends. Benjamin did not enjoy the fire engines this year or the gun salute that accompanies the flag. But he did enjoy looking at all the horses and floats.

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