Thursday, April 21, 2016


We enjoyed a little weekend getaway before Chris truly enters the busy summer season of work. We took a 3 day weekend and headed over to Seattle. The weather there was wonderful! We bought tickets to the Seattle Aquarium and paired them with a harbor cruise. It was a great day to be out on the water. It was interesting to learn about the history of the Seattle waterfront and all the shipping that goes on there each day. The container ships are HUGE!

We also enjoyed meeting up with some friends & family and even made a stop at the Outlet stores in North Bend for a little shopping on the way home. Over all it was a great weekend despite feeling a bit cramped in our hotel room using the king bed, sofa bed and pack n play for all of us to sleep! And we never ended up going swimming at the hotel because Benjamin wouldn't put his swimsuit on. Oh fickle 3 year olds.

Here are some pictures from our weekend:

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