Monday, February 26, 2007

Homemaking ABC's

The Knot and The Knest tagged me again but I did need a new post on my blog. I think I will try tagging Louckout to see if she wants to join in on the fun! (these remind me of those personality e-mails that were really popular when I was in high's evolved to blogs!!) This one will be fun because I just moved into a new house so I'm still discovering.

Aprons- Y/N? I don't think I've ever worn one while cooking....

Baking- Favorite thing to bake? I love baking: pies are great, especially around the holidays.

Clothesline- Y/N? Nope, drying racks and a dryer! But my new house has a yard except I think living in Oregon, drying clothes outside would defeat the purpose of drying them because of the rain.

Donuts- Ever made them? No, but I like to eat them.

Everyday- One homemaking thing you do everyday? Clean up the kitchen, trying to get into the habit of making my bed.

Freezer- Do you have a separate deep freezer? Nope, just pack the freezer REALLY full.

Garbage Disposal- Y/N? I had one in my old apartment and it was so great but now I have to remember not to dump food down the sink...darn it!

Handbook- Y/N? I like purses and big bags so I always have too much stuff to carry - I need to minimize I think.

Ironing- Love it or hate it? I don't really enjoy it but I do it when I have to. My current job doesn't require me to wear clothes that need to be ironed however so I can skip it most of the time.

Junk Drawer- Where is it? In the kitchen - I just discovered it last night actually. I also have a junk shelf in my bedroom where papers, bills, mail goes.

Kitchen- Design and decorating? The kitchen in my new house is TINY with yellow cabinets and tile floor - I can't imagine living there with a family - cooking for more than 1 or 2 would be a nightmare - no counter space.

Love- What is your favorite part of homemaking? Right now, I am looking forward to homemaking after I get married and I am excited to decorate my new house - espeically learning how to incorporate fun colors - like red!

Mop- Y/N? I hate mopping and one of my roommates said last night that our kitchen floor is so old and gross that mopping rarely even makes a difference so maybe we won't do it very much!

Nylons- Wash by hand or in the washer? HA HA! I have worn nylons and never washed them - I don't wear them enough to get them dirty I guess - but I avoid wearing them when I can so I guess I avoid washing them too.

Oven- Do you use the window or open it to check? Window is better, so heat doesn't escape.

Pizza- What do you put on yours? I love Hawaiian but I also love just plain pepperoni, especially if you make your own it is not as greasy.

Quiet- What do you do during the day when you get a quiet moment? Read usually.

Recipe card box- Y/N? I have a notebook of recipies I aquired in a college cooking class but no recipie cards yet.

Style of house- Old fun Portlandy house, I love it. It's got a lot of character in the design and the style.

Tablecloths and napkins- Y/N? Napkins, tableclothes get dirty to easily but they are nice for special occasions.

Under the kitchen sink- cleaning supplies, recycling bin because we recycle a lot here in Oregon!

Vacuum- How many times a week? When the floor gets dirty enough to be gross!! I just get lazy and forget.

Wash- How many loads do you do a week? I can usually go about 3 weeks before laundy, since it is just me and I usually do about 3 loads.

X's- Do you keep a list of things to do and cross them off? I love lists and crossing things off. Not only do they help me remember but I feel so good about myself when I cross things off! Must be my type A personality coming through.

Yard- Who does what? I finally have a yard, yeah! But I think the landlord pays people to take care of it so that's nice.

ZZZ's- What is your last homemaking task for the day? In my old apartment it was putting dishes in the dishwasher or sometimes packing a lunch for the next day....not sure what it will be in my new house. I've only been there for 2 nights.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi. you might want to visit to share & archive your lists...seems like you might like it!

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