Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Oh Quirky Prosser...

Well I have moved back to Prosser, where I grew up, to live with my parents until my wedding in a month. I have been here half a week and already this town is showing it's quirky side. Not only is it a small town but it's an agricultural community in the middle of the desert, kept alive only by the miracle of hydropower and irrigation.
 So here is my list of things that would only happen in Prosser (maybe other small towns too but it wouldn't be as funny).

1. The only major freeway leading out of town is closed due to a fire............twice in one week.
2. The Fourth of July parade only lasts 5 minutes.
3. All the grandparents in town set up their lawn chairs an hour before the parade reserve a spot to watch their grandkids participate in the 4th of July parade.
4. The antique firetruck must be towed through the 4th of July parade because it won't start.
5. You can be the only person driving through downtown and it's only 8PM....
6.  You can put out all your yard sale merchandise 3 days before your yard sale with no fear of theft.
7. You cheer when the temperature goes from 106 to 105.... (now that could happen anywhere else but it's extra special in Prosser)
8. You can't sleep at night for all the dogs barking, coyotes howling, cars racing by, and crickets chriping.....who said the country was quiet and peaceful
9. When you meet a friend for coffee at the local Starbucks (a miracle in itself that one is local) you see at least 10 people you know during the two hours you're there.
10. You can literally pick fruit (apples, grapes, cherries, apricots, etc..) off your neighbors trees/vines.

For all it's quirks I still call it least for 30 more days. :)

1 comment:

Matt Mikalatos said...

Where's the update? Where?

And I assume wedding photos are coming soon?

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