Monday, February 25, 2008

Decisions, Decisions

Last night at our small group we discussed the Israelites taking over Jericho. God told them exactly how to make the wall of Jericho fall. They were to march around it once every day for six days and on the seventh day, they marched around the city seven times and then blew the trumpets and watched as the wall fell.
The discussion in Bible study was what are walls in our lives and what are steps we are willing to take to have those walls fall.
In the back of my mind, I found myself thinking that in a way, the Israelites had it easy. They had clear direction given to them from God through Joshua and all they had to do was follow it and believe. Of course it would be hard to believe that a wall as thick as Jericho's was going to fall down just by walking around it but God can do the impossible.
I find myself wondering why God doesn't seem to give me clear direction like that. In a way, I was almost jealous of the Israelites. I wish God would tell me what to do so I could just act in faith and believe He could accomplish it. I really think I would have had the faith to believe in God's plan. But I think I have it a bit harder then they did.
There are so many distractions in my life preventing me from hearing from God. And honestly, during this time in my life, I feel as though God is not speaking very loudly - not even in a whisper really. If only he would share with me the next step.
It's been frustrating to try and wade through the decision making process with Chris. Where do we go, what jobs to we take. Do we move from our families and friends and start a new adventure? Do we stick it out and stay in Pullman or .....Prosser where it seems as though the opportunities only go so far? Where do you want us to go? What do you want us to do?
One person last night put it very well - when we are in the midst of a hard situation we lack perspective. All we can see is the wall we need to overcome but we cannot see what is on the other side or the big pictures of how God's hand is moving. Hindsight is always 20/20.
So I continue wading through this time with Chris and with God, hoping and trusting that God will speak and direction will be given and my faith will be strengthened. And what do I learn from the walls of Jericho? That no matter how crazy God's plans seem, He is in control and knows what he's doing. I just need to quiet my heart before him and listen for the still soft voice of direction.

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