Thursday, May 07, 2009


As I mentioned in my last post we have had many foreign travelers with us this week at the hotel. Well there are three things that Europeans love. I have aptly re-named them as the three bad habits passed on to Americans. They are:

1. Smoking cigarettes. Right in front of the door. So the smoke wafts in.
2. Drinking alcohol excessively.
3. Listening to music so loud you have to yell to talk over it.

Which explains why my eyes & nose are now burning from the cigarette/alcohol smell and my ears are ringing because I couldn't hear myself think over their music. Much less hear my phone ringing while trying to remember I work at a hotel and not a nightclub.

Boy am I thankful for the next few days off!

1 comment:

Jen said...

Ugh!! It really irks me when people smoke right outside the door. Did you know that's illegal in California? They passed some law that you have to be 10 feet (or was it 15?) away from any public entrance. It needs to be a federal law!! Let's write out congressmen! :o)

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