Thursday, December 23, 2010

Mainz Adventure

Since I already posted about our second day touring castles I will skip to Wednesday. Wednesday we headed just across the river from Wiesbaden to a town called Mainz. It was more industrial then Wiesbaden with a smaller downtown area. The main place we visited was the Gutenberg museum. There we learned about the history of printing and publishing and we got to see two Gutenberg bibles. It was really interesting place but no pictures allowed.

Before going to the museum we visited St. Stephens church. During World War II this church was bombed and heavily damaged. They rebuilt it including putting in a new bell after the original was damaged. Then in the early 1980s Russian Jewish artist Marc Chagall put in new stained glass windows most with scenes from the Old Testament. They were beautiful. The detail was amazing. I can only imagine what they look like on a bright sunny day.

After St. Stephens and the Gutenberg museum we visited the Mainz Christmas market. It was so cold and windy. We ate a quick lunch, bought a few gifts, and visited the Mainz cathedral just so we could go inside. A lot of other people had that idea too. I think at one point we heard a collective gasp as a gust of wind blew down the aisles of the market.

In other news, we moved this last weekend so that's why there have been no recent blog posts. We finally got our living room set up last night and it's feeling more homey here but there are still boxes everywhere! When we get more settled I will post some pictures. We are loving all the extra space.

Merry Christmas Everyone. Have a joyful celebration of the birth of Jesus - the reason for the season.

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