Wednesday, January 26, 2011

New Addiction

Chris and I both love Settlers of Catan. For those that do not know what I am talking about it is a really fun board game where you are basically settling the island of Catan. You build settlements, roads, and cities with resource cards you draw when the dice roll the number corresponding to your place on the board. And it's really fun!

However, I will be the first to confess I am not that good at it. I always seem to lack resource cards because I have a knack for picking spots where the numbers do not get rolled - even if it's a common one like six or eight.

Well I have found something to help me practice. The online world of Catan. Be careful, it's addicting. But you can practice online with people from all over the globe. Sometimes it can be difficult because you have people who haven't played much or randomly step away from the computer and never come back! (I had that happen last week and the other girl and I had to kick the guy out and get a sub player).

But it's great because it allows you to practice when you can't always find the time to play with friends or your spouse. The only downside I have found is that people aren't really into trading that much so it can be hard to get what you need until you have enough to trade with the bank. It's still great practice though.

So beware, you Settlers of Catan out there, next time I play against you I just might win!

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