Wednesday, February 09, 2011


Yesterday was my second workout with our trainer. He had me doing different weight workouts and also added some extra weight to ones I was already doing.

So you can imagine that today I am sore. When I woke up this morning I just wanted to lay in bed all day stretching. It felt so good. When you stretch and you're not sore you can't really tell what muscles you are stretching. But when you're sore all of a sudden you have new muscles that are now sore.

And I'm proud to report that while I didn't lose any weight (because I'm a girl...) I did lose inches. My neck lost an inch (who knew?) and so did my waist. Sweet!

So here's to my soreness - if it will drop the inches, I'll take it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go Carla! That's awesome!

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