Friday, April 26, 2013

2 months!

At 2 months our little man is weighing in at 9bs 5oz and is 22 3/4 inches long! What a growing boy. 2 lbs and 2 inches over the last month. He was also a little trooper getting his shots. Sad day for mom though.

We are adjusting to life as a family! Little B sleeps really well most nights (in his swaddlepod) and is only waking up once to eat. I still feed him right before I go to bed but hopefully in a few more weeks we can start putting him down around 8 when he starts to get tired and he will sleep for a bit longer.

Oh the art of parenting. Try something and it works for awhile then you have to try something new. But we love it. He is a sweet sweet little boy.

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