Thursday, March 05, 2009

Chasing Coupons

These past couple of days have been my "weekend" from work. We usually go grocery shopping on my days off - at least until Chris starts working again.

Every since going through Dave Ramsey and Financial Peace University I've been trying to be more diligent about using coupons and buying only what we need while shopping with cash. Because when you have cash, once it's gone, you can't buy anymore!

Usually on Sunday nights at work I get the opportunity to read the Sunday paper - since it's usually so slow. Well, lately I have been scowering the grocery ads to find weekly specials or sales.

So yesterday when we went shopping we ended up going to 5 different stores: Walgreens, Wal-Mart, Fred Meyer, Safeway, and Winco. It was a lot of small trips but in the end with the coupons we used, I think we got a pretty good deal on all the food we bought. We've been shopping about every two weeks or so for staples and buy fresher foods along the way.

It always feels so good when you can get a great deal. I can only hope the stores start to publish more coupons to encourage us shoppers during this downturn in the economy! Prices seem to be going lower already.

1 comment:

SnoWhite said...

oh - we took FPU too... loved it. hope your quest continues in full force!

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