Thursday, June 26, 2014

The Ants Go Marching....

Summer brings so many wonderful things - swimming, trips to the park, fresh produce, and Vitamin D filled sunshine. However it also brings some not so desirable things as well. One of those is currently fighting me for control of my kitchen: ANTS!

We discovered them 2 weeks ago and slowly found them in more places - the panty, underneath the dish drying rack, the cat food dish and coming in a steady line underneath the back door...after a few days I discovered that there was some food stuck to the bottom of a grocery bag which I prompty removed form the house.

This got rid of a lot of them but they are still lingering. And the worst part is that they pop up when I don't have time to keep up with the dishes. I guess it is good motivation to throughly clean the kitchen every night but I never wanted ants to be my motivation!!

Any good tips out there to get rid of them once and for all???

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